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Dumbles floods for our Catch the Tide Event and another Kittiwake flock

The Catch the Tide Event was well attended and provided a good test for the new Estuary Tower. Once away it was a very windy day which no doubt helped to push the tide up a bit higher. It flooded across the Dumbles pushing the Curlew flock, Shelduck and Skylark closer to the seawall. The geese moved into the Tack Piece.

At lunchtime the Russian White-fronted Geese were showing well in the sunshine on the Tack Piece, the two first winter Greenland White-fronted Geese were with them. 1160 Wigeon and 60 Shoveler were on the Tack Piece scrape first thing plus a good count of 63 Redshank and 12 Ruff. A flock of 30 Kittiwake were milling around over the estuary at 1.35-1.55pm at least.

South Lake held nearly 400 Black-tailed Godwit, the Avocets had increased to 16, a pair of Oystercatcher and small flocks of Lapwing were on the causeways. 85 Shoveler and 90 Teal were about with a gathering of Tufted Duck and Pochard on the West shore of the deep lake.

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