Egrets? We've got a few...
A dawn check of the Decoy found all nine Cattle Egret roosting along with four Little Egret
A dawn check of the Decoy found all nine Cattle Egret from yesterday roosting along with four Little Egret. They all left roost around 8am, heading for the South Lake.
Decoy Hide
Nine Cattle Egret and four Little Egret roosted overnight, moving to South Lake around 8am. Good numbers of Tufted Duck continue to use the pond.
Rushy Hide / Peng Observatory
There were 58 Bewick's Swans on the ponds this morning, with another pair over the hedge on the Tack Piece.
South Lake
The nine Cattle Egret moved here from Decoy before then heading towards roadside fields around 8:30am. A single bird was then seen mid-morning. Also of note on the wader scrape were two Avocet, 550 Lapwing, 553 Black-tailed Godwit, 100+ Teal and 75 Shoveler. The juvenile Great Crested Grebe was on the deep lake along with 32 Pochard and 42 Tufted Duck.
Zeiss Hide
Counts this morning included 1250 Teal, 402 Lapwing, 14 Snipe, 50 Dunlin, 161 Canada Geese, a Grey Heron, five Shelduck, 48 Wigeon, 32 Pintail, 70 Greylag Goose, two Stonechat, a Reed Bunting, six Gadwall and a calling Cetti's Warbler. A Water Rail was also showing well mid-morning and a Curlew dropped in.
Kingfisher Hide
The flock of 128 White-fronted Goose were in the Four Score field again this morning.