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End of the year

Rushy Hide

98 Bewick's Swans present at the roost before moving out to the Tack Piece for the day.

Martin Smith Hide

At least three Snipe and two Water Rail skulking in or near cover. Lot's of wildfowl are moving out to this pool for the day, it offers really good views of Pintail and Wigeon in particular. Oystercatcher on the Wigeon 'lawns' among the grazing ducks and Lapwing.

Robbie Garnett/Stephen Kirk Hides

Really good birding from mid to late morning and through the afternoon. The puddles and pasture attracting 700+ Golden Plover, 2000 Lapwing, 34 Redshank, 60 Curlew, 20+ Ruff, 98 European White-fronted Geese, 100+ Greylag, 500+ Wigeon with a pair of Stock Dove around the Goose House and four Magpie hanging around along the Rushy Pen fenceline.

Willow Withy Bed/Duck Decoy

A Chiffchaff was calling and showing along the fenceline mid morning. A party of Teal fed in the shallows.

Willow Hide

A female Reed Bunting was among the visitors to the feeding station.

Holden Tower

Two Peregrine on the fences, 6 Cranes and two separated flocks of Canada Geese, the flock favouring the south end of the Dumbles (Warth/Royal Drift) hosted the Dark-bellied Brent Goose. 30 Pintail were roosting on the Severn with 110 Lesser Black-backed and 10 Great-Black-backed Gull were sleeping on a sandbar to the N of Middle Point. Looking over the fence to the East into the Long Ground Pool revealed very good numbers of duck including Gadwall, Pochard and the male Pochard x Ferrugionus Duck hybrid.


A flock of Chaffinch and Goldfinch continues to feed in the alder trees, keep an eye out for Lesser Redpolls. A couple Goldcrests were showing in the North American Pen.

South Lake

Black-tailed Godwit increased to 104 and the two Avocets remained, as is usual Lapwing numbers were in the 100s with a few Snipe in the rushes. 140+ Shoveler, 120+ Teal and 40 Shelduck present. The deep lake held a gathering of Pochard and Tufted Duck as well as a Grey Heron and a few Cormorants.

Zeiss Hide

28 Ruff were among the 100s of Lapwing before 0930 but dispersed later. A few Snipe were roosting on the rush islands and 100s of Teal and Wigeon were on the flood and 'lawns'. A male Kestrel was on the



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