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Evenings on the Estuary

It's been a busy weekend of events with our annual Evenings on the Estuary offering great birding against the sunset over the Severn.

It's been a busy weekend of events with our annual Evenings on the Estuary offering great birding against the sunset over the Severn. Thousands of birds were spread across the mudflats including Curlew, Avocet, Shelduck, Lapwing, Black-tailed Godwit and Oystercatcher.

Zeiss Hide
A quick check this morning found 92 Avocet plus 2 fledged juveniles and 4 young chicks (two broods of two), two Dunlin, a flock of 69 Black-tailed Godwit, two moulting male Ruff, 66 Redshank and 64 Teal. One of our volunteers was also lucky enough to spot a near summer-plumaged Spotted Redshank first thing.

South Lake
Four adult and three juvenile Little-ringed Plover were on the wader scrape this morning, presumably the nesting pair plus a visiting family of two adults and three juveniles. The Black-tailed Godwit numbered 188 birds and included the colour-ringed bird from Friday. The deep lake held 91 Gadwall along with a single drake eclipse Pochard, 83 Coot, a Little Grebe and two Cormorant plus a few Shoveler mixed in with the Mallard.

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