Fall of migrants

A rainy morning with favourable winds led to a great little fall of migrants, many new species for the year noted today, we must've missed quite a few.

Redstart- a male along a hedgerow in the Ox Piece.
Sedge Warbler- at least nine singing males today.
Reed Warbler- quiet sub-song from the reeds opposite the Knott Hide.
Willow Warbler- at least four singing today.
Sandwich Tern- five on the sands off Middle Point but they left before the rain started.
House Martin- 20+ feeding over the reserve.
Swallow- 20+ feeding over the reserve.
Sand Martin- 110+ feeding over the reserve.
Grey Plover- three on the Severn.
Dunlin- 12 on the Severn.
Sanderling three on the Severn.
Tree Pipit- one over NE.
Yellow Wagtail- two over NE and three seen on the Top New Piece.

Estuary Tower

Six Golden Plover, 21 Curlew and 6 Lapwing on the Dumbles, 7 Teal and 5 Shoveler on the scrape.

Tack Piece

Common Sandpiper, 14 Black-tailed Godwit, 16 Avocet, Pintail drake, 2 Wigeon (+4 on the Dumbles), Shoveler, Shelduck and Teal, female Marsh Harrier flew S to hunt off the reserve.

Knott Hide

Reed Warbler in sub-song, ear to the window to hear 2 L. Egret


Willow, Cetti's and Sedge Warbler singing near to the Otter enclosure.

Top New Piece/Zeiss Hide

Water Rail calling below hide, c10 House Martins feeding over with hirundine flock and 2 Great Egret, Glossy Ibis, female Marsh Harrier back through putting up 6 Golden Plover from Dumbles, 70 Avocet, 36 Black-tailed Godwit, pair of nesting Crane, 37 Black-headed Gulls, singing Sedge Warbler below Zeiss Hide, Swallows and Sand Martins over.

South Lake

Single Egyptian Goose early on this morning and 4 Cattle Egret called in, a singing Sedge Warbler from Hogarth Hide, pair of nesting Cranes, only five Avocet after a big flush but we didn't see what caused it?

Kingfisher Hide

Singing Sedge and Willow Warbler, flock of 150 hirundines feeding over Bottom New Piece + 2 Ruff, 2 Redshank, pair of Mandarin.

South Finger Filter/reed beds

Two singing Sedge Warbler.

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