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February WeBS Count

The warm late winter weather and drying conditions have encouraged the first large scale migration departures. There was quite a difference in bird numbers compared to last weekend with some very low counts of certain species (like Teal). Behaviour indicative of pre-migration has been in evidence today as well as group and pair displaying (see Pintail image).

Totals from the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) as follows

93 Bewick's Swan- roosted on Rushy and spent the day in the Tack Piece.
163 Mute Swan-one of the higher counts this winter
8 Little Grebe- trilling birds back on territories including Pill Box Pool and Kingfisher Hide
20 Cormorant
1 Little Egret
2 Grey Heron-low count, birds must now be on nest sites
142 E. White-fronted Geese- three scattered flocks and many simply sleeping.
358 Greylag Geese- departures to breeding sites already
189 Canada Geese
151 Barnacle Geese
552 Shelduck- possibly a little duplication as they move freely about the site but 296 on the mud/sands of the Severn during the count points to an influx.
1978 Wigeon
74 Gadwall
342 Teal-perhaps the lowest February count in the last 30+ years
599 Mallard
226 Pintail- a flock of 114 were on the Severn at dusk and were 153 on the Rushy at dawn.
108 Shoveler
139 Pochard
281 Tufted Duck
163 Moorhen
163 Coot (not a mistake, just added up that way).
29 Avocet- all on South Lake.
9 Oystercatcher
610 Golden Plover
2200 Lapwing
279 Curlew
88 Black-tailed Godwit
15 Ruff
358 Dunlin
36 Redshank
Jack Snipe- Martin Smith Hide
19 Snipe

+ Peregrine, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Buzzard seen from the hides. Three drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker in the Spinney/South Finger area.

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