First Oystercatchers fledge
Our first Oystercatcher chicks fledged today
Our first Oystercatcher chicks fledged today, taking a flight out of the Big Pen to the grassy areas around the car park to feed with one of their parents. We have at least another three broods around the reserve, with another two nests yet to hatch.
South Lake
On this morning's rounds bird of note included a Little Ringed Plover, at least 13 chicks amongst the Avocet colony with more likely hidden behind the islands, both pairs of Oystercatchers have their chicks with them, and a single Black-tailed Godwit was on the wader scrape. A pair of Mandarin and pair of Common Tern were present mid-morning, along with a Great Crested Grebe and two Little Grebe on the deep lake.
Estuary Tower
The adult Little Grebe still has two chicks on the Pillbox Pool, where three Little Egret were also present. A Cuckoo was showing well mid-morning. A Marsh Harrier was over the Goose Fields to the north of the Tack Piece.
Decoy Hide
A Little Egret was roosting on the fallen tree, a Stock Dove was sat in the dead tree and three pairs of Shelduck were on the pond.
Reedbed Walkway
A male and female Cuckoo were again very vocal in the area. An adult Little Grebe was on the settling pool from viewing screen.
Zeiss Hide
A drake Garganey was on the Top New Piece. Also of note were Common Tern, 79 Gadwall, four drake Shoveler, four Redshank, eight Lapwing, 39 Avocet, a Grey Heron and Little Egret, along with 50 Black-tailed Godwit.
Peng Observatory
The eel and other fish activity continues in the shallows outside the window.
Rushy Hide
The pair of Little Ringed Plover were at the nest this morning, with the 'spare' bird out on the mud towards the back of the pond. Also of note were eight adult Avocet plus six chicks, the Oystercatcher pair still have all three chicks, and broods of Mallard, Mute Swan and Shelduck were seen. Also on the upper pond were two drake Teal and 16 Gadwall.