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Fog and ice to start

It has been a frozen and foggy start to the morning but the weather has cleared to reveal a glorious winter day bathed in sunshine and blue skies

It has been a frozen and foggy start to the morning but the weather has cleared to reveal a glorious winter day bathed in sunshine and blue skies. The cold weather hasn't put off the first of the Spring arrivals with an increase in Avocet on the South Lake this morning and up to 10 Oystercatcher around the reserve.

South Lake
Three Egyptian Geese were on the deep lake with 59 Pochard and a Little Grebe this morning. Over the causeway 300+ Black-tailed Godwit were on the frozen wader scrape with 14 Avocet, 52 Shoveler, two Ruff, a few Dunlin and two pairs of Oystercatcher.

Estuary Tower
The flock of eight 8 Pink-footed Geese were on the Ox Piece this morning, this being the field to north of the Tack Piece. At least 234 Wigeon were on the Dumbles scrape along with 80+ Lapwing and two Dunlin. A further 61 Wigeon were on the Pillbox Pool.

Willow Hide
Three Water Rail were showing well this morning under the feeders.

Robbie Garnett Hide
Reduced counts due to the fog but visible were 324 Wigeon, two Snipe, 18 Redshank, a single Ruff, 35 Shoveler and a pair of Cranes.

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