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Four Spoonbills on estuary

Four Spoonbill were on the estuary this morning, two showing very well from Middle Point

Four Spoonbill were on the estuary this morning, two showing very well from Middle Point. The other two birds were distant to the north off Saul Warth.

Wild Safaris
The morning running saw a Marsh Harrier, three Hobby, two Roe Deer, one of our Crane families and another two adults in flight. Two Brown Hare were also noted in the fields along the paleochannel.

South Lake
Six Cattle Egret flew in to wader scrape mid-morning. This morning's counts included 35 Black-tailed Godwit, 15 Redshank, five Snipe, three Ruff, eight Pochard and a Great Black-backed Gull. At least nine Green Sandpiper were from the Hogarth Hide along with five Snipe.

Estuary Tower
A Garganey was on the Long Ground Pool with two Shoveler, 18 Gadwall, eight Teal, five Tufted Duck and a Cormorant.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A fourth Spotted Redshank (there are also three on the Rushy) was on the Tack Piece along with two Black-tailed Godwit, three Green Sandpiper, eight Shoveler and two Snipe.

Middle Point
Aside from the four Spoonbill on the estuary, also of note were six Little Egret, four Grey Heron and 36+ Curlew.

Rushy Hide
Three Spotted Redshank were on the lower pond along with a Garganey, eight Ruff, 149 Black-tailed Godwit (including two juveniles), seven Redshank, 14 Shoveler and a Snipe. Two Great Egret and a Grey Heron were on the upper pond.

Zeiss Hide
The Wood Sandpiper was again on the Top New Piece this morning and still this afternoon. At least 15 Ruff were also counted.

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