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Friday's sightings

A bit and very windy this morning, all combining with a reasonably high tide of 9.6m so our Guides in the Hide will be out checking for the high tide wader roost from the Zeiss Hide and Holden Tower, and anything more unusual that gets blown up the river.  Fingers crossed!

Robbie Garnett Hide

A Garganey was hidden amongst the Teal flock this morning.  Also on the Tack Piece were a Little Egret and Ruff, 2 Redshank, 5 Black-tailed Godwit, 8 Shoveler and 8 Lapwing.

Holden Tower

Twelve Cranes were present first thing, joined by the family Oakie, Sherbert and their juvenile who chased off the rest of the flock, before 4 returned.

Zeiss Hide

As the tide started to build birds in the Top New Piece included 68+ Dunlin, a Little Stint, 2 Ringed Plover, a Ruff, a Redshank, 77 Lapwing and 2 Black-tailed Godwit.  Duck included 64 Shoveler and 31+ Wigeon amongst Teal flock.

South Lake Hides

Birds on scrape include 111+ Teal, 61 Lapwing, 37 Shelduck, 14 Shoveler, 17 Redshank and 16 Ruff.  Three drake Pochard were on deep lake with the Tufted Duck.

Rushy Hide

A slight wintry feel on the Rushy this morning with 5 Pintail amongst 36 Teal and 162 Mallard.  A Little Egret was present first thing but flew to the Tack Piece.  A Snipe was on the causeway.

Martin Smith Hide

The Jack Snipe reappeared this afternoon on the left hand island.

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