Gadwall numbers increasing
Gadwall have started to arrive on the reserve ahead of their moult
Gadwall numbers have started to increase as birds, mainly drakes, arrive ahead of their moult in the coming weeks. At least 67 birds were counted from the hides this morning, with more likely to be present in other areas of the reserve too. We're now approaching 'scruffy duck' season where drakes go in to eclipse plumage during their moult.
Reedbed Walkway
A very vocal singing male Cuckoo was busy pursuing a bubbling female around the hedgerows this morning. Also in the reedbed were singing Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler and Cetti's Warbler with Blackcap and Chiffchaff singing from the hedgerows.
Rushy Hide
The Little Ringed Plover pair are still on their nest in the protective cage. On the upper ponds were 24 male and 2 female Tufted Duck, whilst over the causeway on the lower pond were 20 adult Avocet with at least 9 chicks. Also of note were 19 Gadwall, and the pair Oystercatcher feeding chicks close to hide. The House Martin colony on the office buildings also continues to be busy.
Kingfisher Hide
A pair of Cranes were in the Bottom New Piece this morning and a Jay flew along South Finger towards the Zeiss Hide.
Estuary Tower
A Great Egret was roosting in the willows around the Long Ground Pool this morning.
Zeiss Hide
Bird of note this morning on the Top New Piece included 5 Redshank, 2 Lapwing defending a chick, 36 Avocet, 45 Gadwall and 3 drake Shoveler.
South Lake
This morning the wader scrape held 51 Black-tailed Godwit, 41 adult Avocet with 17 broods totaling at least 43 chicks, and both pairs of Oystercatchers feeding chicks near the hides. Pairs of both Little Grebe and Great Crested Grebe were on the deep lake.
The two Oystercatcher chicks in the Big Pen (pond next to Visitor Centre) are close to fledging and a Grey Wagtail was in the South America exhibit.