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Get to grips with waders

We've a great selection of waders on the reserve and across the estuary at present, with more to come as migration continues

We've a great selection of waders on the reserve and across the estuary at present, with more to come as migration continues. A selection of waders can be seen from three of our main hides - South Lake Discovery Hide, Rushy Hide and Zeiss Hide, but you'll need to head down the Summer Walkway to Middle Point for the full suite of species.

Summer Walkway / Middle Point
The high tide roost included 88 Curlew just to the south of Middle Point. A single Whimbrel was also heard. Hunting in the tidal pools as the water level dropped were 34 Little Egret and 12 Grey Heron. Two Oystercatcher were also noted along with a distant flock small waders mainly made up of Dunlin and Ringed Plover. At least 18 Great Black-backed Gull were in the gull roost on the mudflat and riverbank along with three Common Tern. At least 202 Curlew were roosting to north off Saul Warth.

Along the main walkway, a Sparrowhawk flew along the hedge and then out over the river. Don't forget to check through the cattle for Yellow Wagtails - at least eight were present this morning. The fence line at Middle Point also held at least two Whinchat this morning.

South Lake
At least one Garganey was sleeping on the rocks in in front of the hide this morning, with other duck on view including 32 Shoveler, 52 Gadwall, a drake Pochard and 28 Tufted Duck. A flock of 377 Black-tailed Godwit were on the wader scrape with a single Ruff

Rushy Hide
The Wood Sandpiper was at the back of the lower pond and elusive at times, along with two Green Sandpiper. At least two Spotted Redshank were present, with two Greenshank roosting on an island close the hide before feeding in the channel and showing well. Another 50 Black-tailed Godwit were on the upper pond island with 13 Ruff, 18 Redshank and six Snipe. A Water Rail was feeding along the reed edge of the lower pond, and a Kingfisher flew through.

Zeiss Hide
Two Spoonbill were on the Top New Piece this morning along with five Shoveler, 12 Gadwall, 398 Teal, a Green Sandpiper, a male Roe Deer and a Little Grebe.

Two Kingfisher were chasing each other around the South America exhibit area this morning, and a Grey Wagtail was also flitting around the shoreline.

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