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Get your gull on

With an even bigger high tide on the river a lot of large gulls were pushed off the river and many of them finding the South Lake offering a great chance to brush up on ID and ageing at close range

With an even bigger high tide on the river a lot of large gulls were pushed off the river and many of them finding the South Lake.

South Lake
Two pairs of Oystercatcher were on the islands on the scrape. Also on the scrape were 156 Black-tailed Godwit, 27 Avocet, 199 Dunlin and several hundred Lapwing. Gulls included a large group of 214 Herring Gull, plus 47 Common Gull with the pair of Mediterranean Gulls making an appearance later in the day. For those wanting to practice their gull identification there was certainly plenty to work with. A Great Crested Grebe and 48 Pochard were on the deep lake.

Rushy Hide
There were 72 Bewick’s Swans this morning, but all 75 birds were seen today so no departures last night. Also on the Rushy for the feed were 195 Pintail. A pair Oystercatcher were on the upper pond.

Holden Tower
A Buzzard was sat on the hedge below the hide with a Magpie keeping a close eye. The pair of Peregrine were out on the cross fence, a pair of Stonechat were on the fence at Mid Point with 3 Meadow Pipit and a couple of Reed Bunting. A pair of Oystercatcher were on the Dumbles scrape, with another pair around the Long Ground Pool. Duck on Long Ground Pool included 93 Tufted Duck and 10 Pochard.

Robbie Garnett Hide
All 150 White-fronts on Tack Piece this morning before moving to Dumbles. Also on the Tack Piece were a pair Oystercatcher, 44 Redshank, 63 Curlew, 45 Shoveler, 14 Ruff but only 3 Teal(!).

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