Golden Plover numbers building
More and more winter birds are starting to arrive on the reserve, with over 100 birds over Middle Point this morning as the tide came in
More and more winter birds are starting to arrive on the reserve, with over 100 birds over Middle Point this morning as the tide came in. Also out on the estuary are increasing numbers of Pintail and Wigeon, another sign winter is coming.
Estuary Tower
At least 197 Curlew were in the roost on the riverbank as the tide came in, with four Bar-tailed Godwit amongst them. A flock of small waders, mainly Dunlin, were also here along with several Grey Plover and the Shelduck flock.
Robbie Garnett Hide
Duck on the Tack Piece included 153 Teal, a single Shoveler and 15 Wigeon. Seven Snipe were dotted around the shoreline, plus six Black-tailed Godwit near the main island. Out in the field were 258 Greylag Geese with the Snow Goose and a single Barnacle Goose.
Rushy Hide
Counts this morning included 85 Teal, four Redshank and a Pintail. Seven Curlew flew over heading inland to feed.
South Lake
Three Avocet and 15 Black-tailed Godwit were on the wader scrape. Duck counts included 105 Teal, 112 Shoveler, three drake Pochard, 15 Tufted Duck and two Pintail.
Middle Point
As the Severn Bore came past and the tide began to rise, a small flock of waders off the point included 34 Grey Plover, a single Bar-tailed Godwit, 15 Dunlin and four Ringed Plover. Also counted were 15 Little Egret, 23 Cranes, five Grey Heron, 24 Pintail, 68 Wigeon, 73 Shelduck, a pair of Raven and a Peregrine.
Zeiss Hide
A flock of 65 Dunlin came into roost with eight Curlew Sandpiper, three Spotted Redshank, seven Little Stint, 12 Ruff, a single Black-tailed Godwit and 200+ Golden Plover. Also noted were 35 Wigeon, a Marsh Harrier through and a Water Rail in the reedbed rides.