Goldeneye pair
South Lake
The male Goldeneye returned to the deep lake and was even displaying to the female, the Cattle Egret was present early morning and again after midday, it spent some time on the Tack Piece. The Black-tailed Godwit flock was present at the south end of the wader scrape along with a flock of Lapwing. A count of 109 Shoveler was made.
Estuary Tower
Scattered groups of Russian White-fronted Geese were in the Ox Piece/Goose House and Stall House Groud, all the fields N of the Tack Piece. At least two of the Pink-footed Geese could also be seen. An adult Peregrine was on the fences posts and two Cranes on the seawall.
Late news from yesterday- female Merlin made an attempt to catch a Skylark on the Dumbles scrape, a female Marsh Harrier spooked the Wigeon flock and the immature Peregrine was on the foreshore with two Buzzards.
Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece
300+ Teal on the flood but again no sign of the Green-winged Teal, a flock of 310 Wigeon present.
Tack Piece
Ruff, Redshank, Curlew, Lapwing and Teal among the 430 Wigeon.