Great weather for ducks
You may have noticed, its been a bit wet lately and some would say great weather for ducks but even they are getting a bit fed up with the downpours.
You may have noticed, its been a bit wet lately and some would say great weather for ducks but even they are getting a bit fed up with the downpours. A brood of Shelduck were braving the weather this morning on the Tack Piece, but otherwise it was very quiet with most birds sitting out the rain.
Zeiss Hide
Bird on the Top New Piece this morning included 28 Shelduck, 40 Avocet, at least 50 Black-tailed Godwit who were tucked up against the bank, two drake and a female Shoveler, 34 Gadwall, 4 Teal and 14 Tufted Duck. A flock of 20 Swallow and 10 House Martin were feeding over scrape and 100+ Swift were over Dumbles heading south.
South Lake
Two pairs of Avocet were on nests this morning with other birds of note including a drake Shoveler, 4 Black-tailed Godwit, 44 Coot (the start of our moult flock), a drake Teal, a Great Crested Grebe, a pair of Oystercatcher, 13 Gadwall and 6 Cormorant.
Robbie Garnett Hide
Two Mediterranean Gulls were with the Black-headed Gulls this morning after they were spooked off the Rushy. At least 46 Shelduck were spread across the field along with 38 Barnacle Geese. A drake Wigeon, 4 Shoveler and a Black-tailed Godwit were on the edge of the scrape and a Grey Heron was sheltering against the hedge.
Rushy Hide
At least 24 Avocet were on the Rushy this morning with at least 3 chicks out in the rain. The Oystercatcher pair were brooding this chicks close to the InFocus shop. Also seen were 16 Shelduck, 4 Wigeon and a Cormorant.