Greater Scaup with the diving ducks

Late yesterday afternoon at the Wild Bird feed a juvenile-first winter drake Greater Scaup was spotted on the Rushy

Greater Scaup

Late yesterday afternoon at the Wild Bird feed a juvenile-first winter drake Greater Scaup was spotted on the Rushy, it spent much of the morning feeding in the Swan pipe or resting on the North shore of the lake. At 3:30pm it was on the South Lake (deep lake section) but flew off in the direction of the Rushy with Tufted Ducks.

South Lake

The Bittern was showing in along the East shore of deep lake again, still present at 3.30pm. Fluctuating numbers of Lapwing with 18 Black-tailed Godwit, flocks of Teal, Shoveler, Tufted Duck and Pochard. The Shoveler have been whorl feeeding in a flock this week.

*Please note that excavator work is underway about and at times on South Lake, the Internal Drainage Board are in to de-silt sections of ditch and coppice willows this week, the reserve team will be working closely with them and complete any other seasonal tasks that need doing.*

Tack Piece

1500 Golden Plover, 450 Lapwing, 200 Dunlin, 2 Redshank and 9 Snipe at times today, 600+ Wigeon and 400+ Teal on the scrape with Ross's and Snow Goose among the Canada/Barnacle Goose flock. The Barnacle x Canada hybrids and Snow x Bar-headed Goose hybrid also with them.

Kingfisher Hide

At least 92 Russian White-fronted Geese on the Four Score field (winter wheat).


Kingfisher in the Matrix near to Arctic Adventure bridge, Chiffchaff near the Otter Enclosure, drake Goldeneye displaying to collection birdss in the Big Pen. Lesser Redpoll near to Hogarth Hide.

Canoe Trail

Great Egret and Kingfisher in the channels.

Another Great Egret in the ditches to North of the Tack Piece and one was seen flying out from roost to NE of entrance road fields at 07:40am.

Top New Piece/Zeiss Hide

Four Bewick's Swans arrived from South of Purton and headed toward Rushy, turns out to be By-brook and Keynell + two that have been at Chew Valley Lake, 340 Teal, 3 Snipe and 110 Wigeon.

Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory

Juv/1st winter drake Greater Scaup among the Tufted Ducks and Pochards, 44 Bewick's Swans, Mandarin, Avocet, 320 Lapwing+ Pintail, Shelduck

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