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Grebes display

Our two regular grebe species (Great Crested and Little are now in breeding plumage and establishing territories. The South Lake is the best place to see both as we have a pair and a spare of Great Crested Grebe present. The elaborate weed dance display has been seen a few times of late as well as aggression between the resident and extra bird. South Lake also hosts two pairs of Little Grebe, calm days are best as they are more likely to be out on the open water. The Knott and Kingfisher Hides are also reliable places to see Little Grebes.

Holden Tower (still open today, demolition is imminent, a new estuary tower hide is being constructed)

20 Lapwing, 19 Wigeon, 48 Avocet, 500+ Black-tailed Godwit visiting to feed regularly but the Peregrine pair have been after them!

Tack Piece

46 Shoveler, 20 Wigeon, 8 Redshank, 18 Teal and a few Greylag, Shelduck and Gadwall on the field, flood and scrape.

South Lake

509 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Ruff and Red Knot visiting to roost or hide from raptors, they are commuting to Dumbles and Top New Piece. 4 Oystercatcher, 17 Avocet and 42 Shoveler were also on the scrape and duck marsh. c.40 Sand Martin fed over the deep lake. Willow Warbler was singing near to the hide.

Zeiss Hide

8 Avocet, 8 Wigeon, 20 Teal, 16 Lapwing and 6 Snipe among the birds present.

Kingfisher Hide

56 Golden Plover were on the field with 10+ Lapwing, many of the plover are in breeding plumage, it's well worth coming to see them looking fabulous before they depart for Iceland/Northern Britain. One leucistic individual has white primaries which is very obvious when in flight. A pair of Mute Swan have built a nest and a Cetti's Warbler was singing. A party of 11 Starling were feeding, notable species here from late March.

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