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Green-winged Teal and great goose viewing

A drake Green-winged teal was found on the Top New Piece by a visiting birder this afternoon, it showed from the Zeiss Hide for a time but moved to the the distant flood in the Bottom New Piece. It could be seen (with a scope) from the Kingfisher Hide.

Kingfisher Hide

Brilliant views of the geese this morning- 115 Russian White-fronted Geese had the 2 juvenile Greenland White-fronted, 8 Pink-footed, 9 Greylag, a few Canada, 190 Barnacle, Bar-headed and Snow x Bar-headed Goose grazing on the field. It is best to be very quiet, move slowly and open the windows carefully when the geese are nearby.

Rushy Hide

93 Bewick's Swans present this morning before heading out to the fields to feed.

South Lake

Female Goldeneye among the Pochard and Tufted Duck, 330 Black-tailed Godwit on the scrape, at least 5 showing signs of breeding plumage. 2 Oystercatcher, 11 Cormorant, 90 Lapwing and a few Snipe around the fringes of the lake.

Tack Piece

17+ Ruff, 25+ Redshank, 62+ Curlew among the Lapwing and Dunlin. 800+ Wigeon.

Estuary Tower

Large numbers of duck on the Severn but hard to see in the morning mist. Marsh Harrier hunting the fields to the North.

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