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Hare today, still tomorrow?

An unexpected treat this morning in the roadside fields - our first Brown Hare for 4-5 years! Martin picked it out whilst out on the tractor this morning.

An unexpected treat this morning in the roadside fields - our first Brown Hare for 4-5 years! Martin picked it out whilst out on the tractor this morning.

Roadside fields
This morning the team have been in the South Middle (aka roadside field) with the tractor to cut and collect selective areas of vegetation in the new headlands. The area was given greenhay in 2019, a seed-rich cutting from elsewhere on the reserve and has not produced flower-rich grassland full of butterflies, whilst the new ponds and ditches are hosting numerous dragonflies. But Martin certainly didn't expect to find a Brown Hare whilst out and about - the first for possibly five years!

South Lake
Right on cue, our first returning male Ruff sporting full breeding plumage (cream blonde type) was present this morning. Also seen were the pair of Great Crested Grebe with at least one chick, a pair of Little-ringed Plover, four Oystercatcher and 42 adult Avocet with 32 young. A Kingfisher flew through.

Kingfisher Hide
The Crane family were in the Bottom New Piece this morning. From the hide was a singing Garden Warbler along with Cetti's Warbler, Blackcap and Sedge Warbler.

Zeiss Hide
Counts this morning included 92 Avocet, 33 Redshank, 58 Teal, Oystercatcher, 15 Lapwing, 11 Shoveler plus a brood of ducklings.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A busier Tack Piece this morning with a pair Avocet, two adult and a juvenile Little-ringed Plover, three pairs of Oystercatcher, a pair of Cranes (Kia & Chocolo), the Ruddy Shelduck, three Green Sandpiper, 30 Shelduck and 11 Teal.

Rushy Hide
At least three Green Sandpiper were on the lower pond this morning with four Black-tailed Godwit and a Redshank.

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