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Hello February

Tack Piece

This is the busiest spot for waders this morning, close views of 1000 Dunlin, 880 Lapwing, 1000+ Golden Plover, Ruff and Redshank, 900+ Wigeon and Bewick's Swans (115 on site today) + Weasel near to Robbie Garnett Hide.

Kingfisher Hide

244 Russian White-fronted Geese with the Barnacle Goose in the Four Score Ground but majority of flock moved to Top and Bottom New Piece + Little Grebe, Stonechat and Buzzard


Kingfisher in the Matrix + 2 Great Egret early morning also Siskins and Redpolls in the Alder trees.

Martin Smith Hide

An escaped/ released White-cheeked Pintail was seen on the pool this morning.

Tack Piece

This is the busiest spot for waders this morning, close views of 1000 Dunlin, 880 Lapwing, 1000+ Golden Plover, Ruff and Redshank, 900+ Wigeon and Bewick's Swans (115 on site today) + Weasel near to Robbie Garnett Hide.

South Lake

Seven Avocet, 4 Oystercatcher, 430 Lapwing + Teal, Shoveler, Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Pochard and a drake Goldeneye.

Estuary Tower

Dark-bellied Brent Goose on the Dumbles + Peregrine. Rushy Hide- Whooper Swan with the feeding with the Bewick's Swans, 390 Lapwing a few Dunlin, Spotted Redshank on the lower pond

Great to see 1,965 Lapwing on the reserve today.

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