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Here comes a heatwave

The temperatures are set to rise for the next few days after yesterday's drizzle.

The temperatures are set to rise for the next few days after yesterday's drizzle.

Estuary Tower
A juvenile male Kingfisher was showing well and fishing on Pillbox Pool, before moving round to the new pond near hide on the Tack Piece. A Sparrowhawk made a brief attempt to catch it, but failed and flew off towards the Decoy. A Green Sandpiper was on the Long Ground Pool and a Kestrel was on the Dumbles.

Zeiss Hide
Two Garganey were on the Top New Piece this morning, joined by an adult Little Stint, a Greenshank, a single Snipe, 25 Lapwing, 90 Teal, a Dunlin, four adult Avocet with three chicks, two Green Sandpiper, five Gadwall, four Grey Heron and four 4 Little Egret.

South Lake
The adult Spotted Redshank was on the wader scrape again this morning along with two Green Sandpiper, nine Dunlin, eight Ruff, 49 Redshank, three Little-ringed Plover, five Black-tailed Godwit, a Common Sandpiper and a Common Gull. On the deep lake were the Great Crested Grebe adult and its well-grown chick, four Cormorant and across the whole area a total of 427 Greylag Geese.

Robbie Garnett Hide
Two Common Sandpiper were on the Tack Piece this morning along with five Green Sandpiper, 15 Lapwing and 23 Teal.

Rushy Hide
On the lower pond this morning were five Green Sandpiper, an impressive flock of 267 Black-tailed Godwit. Also of note were 19 Gadwall and a single Shoveler.

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