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Influx of first summer Black-headed Gulls

Numbers of Black-headed Gulls increased with 260 first winter/summer birds arriving to feed in the fields and floods and rest on South Lake. At least 370 birds were counted mid-morning.

Estuary Tower

A light Meadow Pipit passage Northbound (16 birds in 10 minutes), c50 Russian White-fronted Geese and 122 in the Bottom New Piece viewable from the tower, Willow Warbler singing in the blackthorn bushes with Cetti's Warbler and Chiffchaff also singing. On the Severn a pair of Pintail floated by and a light gull passage was noted upriver, also at high tide 3 Snow Geese, 10 Great Black Backed Gull, 8 Oystercatcher, 24 Golden Plover (grounded) with 21 flying over, 37 Curlew, 11 male and 5 female Lapwing, Little-ringed Plover, 2 Redshank, 6 Avocet on the scrape.

Tack Piece

Eight Ringed Plover and 29 Dunlin on the central flood, the adult Spoonbill, lots of Shoveler, c100 Wigeon, 4 drake Pintail, 4 Starling (getting scarce as we move into the breeding season), a Little Stint circled with a single Dunlin but both went back out to the Severn.

Top New Piece

Four Pintail, 35 Black-tailed Godwit, 28 Avocet, 64 Wigeon, Marsh Harrier and 3 Snipe.

Bottom New Piece

Two Greenland White-fronted and 99 Russian White-fronted Geese.

Kingfisher Hide

Pair at the nest site plus Blackcap and two Cranes, Cetti's Warbler, two Chiffchaff and Grey Heron.

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