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January WeBS Count

13 January 2020 Wetland Bird Survey results

182 Mute Swan
84 Bewick's Swan
128 Russian White-fronted Geese
8 Pink-footed Geese
511 Greylag Geese
581 Canada Geese
201 Barnacle Geese
452 Shelduck
3312 Wigeon
111 Gadwall
1402 Teal
813 Mallard
829 Pintail
265 Shoveler
172 Pochard
525 Tufted Duck
1 Little Grebe
12 Cormorant
1 Cattle Egret
4 Grey Heron
Marsh Harrier female
4 Buzzard
2 Kestrel
1 Peregrine
6 Water Rail
3 Oystercatcher
6 Avocet
1400 Golden Plover
2476 Lapwing
1137 Dunlin
58 Redshank (68 today)
251 Black-tailed Godwit
433 Curlew (452 today) two head started birds seen both days
25 Ruff

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