Juvenile Little Stint dropped in
A juvenile Little Stint dropped in to the Rushy this morning, and there are a great selection of other waders around the reserve too
A juvenile Little Stint dropped in to the Rushy this morning, and there are a great selection of other waders around the reserve too.
Zeiss Hide
The Wood Sandpiper was here again on the Top New Piece, along with two juvenile Redshank, five juvenile Ruff and two Green Sandpiper. The Two Spoonbill were also present, and duck included 218 Teal, ten Shoveler, nine Gadwall and a Little Grebe was also seen. Don't forget to check through the cattle herd for Yellow Wagtails.
Rushy Hide
All four Spotted Redshank were seen here during the day, along with 19 Redshank, the Black-tailed Godwit flock, several Green Sandpiper, at least nine Ruff, the injured Avocet, a Greenshank, four Snipe, and a Cetti's Warbler was heard. A juvenile Little Stint dropped in mid-morning, and a Garganey was also seen.
Middle Point
Two Whinchat were on the cross fence this morning, and several Yellow Wagtail were with the cattle. A small flock of 55 Curlew were on the mudflats, including two head-started colour-ringed birds, three Little Egret, a Grey Heron, three Cormorant and a flock of distant small waders. Also noted were a drake Pintail amongst the gulls and a Peregrine sat out on the mudflats. A steady passage of Swallow, Sand Martin and a few House Martin have been noted all day along the riverbank.
Hogarth Hide
Our volunteer Ian described the approach to the hide as 'superb birding' this morning with the hedgerow alive with warblers, including Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Willow Warbler.
South Lake
A Cattle Egret dropped in during the morning. The Black-tailed Godwit flock have been moving between the South Lake and the Rushy today, taking the odd Ruff and Redshank with them as they move. A juvenile Little Grebe was on the deep lake.
Wild Safaris
This morning's event was productive with three Hobby, a Peregrine, a Kestrel, two families of Cranes and two Roe Deer all seen. Two Grass Snakes were seen on both the morning and afternoon events, with a Slow Worm also seen in the afternoon - a real reserve rarity! Other birds of note this afternoon included four Whinchat, a Kingfisher and juvenile Marsh Harrier.