Kingfishers becoming more regular
Activity at the Kingfisher Hide has become more frequent in recent days
Activity at the Kingfisher Hide has become more frequent in recent days, with the male showing very well this morning. He briefly chased another bird but it was all over too quick to see if it was another male, or he was pursuing a female.
South Lake
Counts this morning included 19 Avocet on the wader scrape with a colour ringed bird amongst them. Also present were two pairs of Oystercatcher, 1200+ Lapwing, 11 Black-tailed Godwit, with 60 Pochard and 32 Tufted Duck on the deep lake. Two Egyptian Goose were present this afternoon. The birds can also regularly be seen in the roadside fields.
Estuary Tower
Three Pink-footed Geese were again with the White-fronted Goose flock on the Tack Piece at times today, returning to the fields to the north the graze at other times of the day. The Dark-bellied Brent Goose, three Snow Goose and the Ross’s Goose were with the Barnacle and Canada Goose flock on the Dumbles. A flock of 452 Wigeon and 70 Teal were on the Dumbles scrape this morning.
Robbie Garnett Hide
This morning two headstarted Curlews were with the flock on the Tack Piece. The Spoonbill dropped in mid-morning and stayed for much of the day along with thousands of Golden Plover, Lapwing and other waders including Dunlin and Redshank. At least 30 Pochard, 15 Shoveler and 98 Shelduck were also noted this morning alongside the Wigeon.
Canoe Safari
One of the Great Egrets was stalking the channels of the safari trail this morning, viewable from the play area.
Rushy Hide
A total of 64 Bewick's Swans were on the pond this morning with another 49 over the hedge on the Tack Piece. Also of note this morning were 98 Shelduck, 96 Pochard, 32 Tufted Duck and a pair of Oystercather.
Kingfisher Hide
The male Kingfisher was showing well first thing and fishing in front of the hide. A second bird present briefly also.