Kingfishers fledge brood number three
Our volunteer Guide in the Hide Ian was fortunate to be in the Kingfisher Hide this morning to see the Kingfishers fledge the first juvenile of their third brood of the season!
Our volunteer Guide in the Hide Ian was fortunate to be in the Kingfisher Hide this morning to see the Kingfishers fledge the first juvenile of their third brood of the season!
Rushy Hide
Bird this morning included two Green Sandpiper, two Oystercatcher, a flock of 84 Black-tailed Godwit, 35 Greylags and the family of Shelduck.
Robbie Garnett Hide
The Tack Piece held two Little Egret and two Lapwing this morning.
Estuary Tower
A single Green Sandpiper was on the Pillbox Pool. Cranes Kia and Chocolo were on the Dumbles where Skylarks were also singing. At least 17 Curlew could be seen on the river at low tide.
Kingfisher Hide
The first juvenile Kingfisher has fledged and hopefully more to follow from the third brood of the season! The parents were calling, presumably enticing them from the nest.
Zeiss Hide
The Dunlin flock held 66 birds this morning, with possibly more to join this afternoon over high tide. The final brood of Avocet have hatched with four tiny chicks on the island this morning. Other birds of note included three Green Sandpiper, two Redshank, a single Ringed Plover and single Little-ringed Plover. Five juvenile Yellow Wagtails were also noted along with four Teal and 27 Gadwall.
South Lake
The wader scrape held five Ruff, at least six Little-ringed Plover of which three are juveniles that have bred elsewhere and are now on a stopover here, 39 Redshank, a Common Sandpiper and seven juvenile Avocet guarded by a single adult. The adult Spotted Redshank was also seen as were the three Egyptian Geese and 23 Gadwall.