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Lapwing and Golden Plover counts

A couple of notable counts today 2673 Golden Plover and 2494 Lapwing on the reserve around midday.

Estuary Tower

1288 Lapwing and 260 Golden Plover on the Dumbles, Dark-bellied Brent Goose on the scrape this afternoon. 250+ Pintail on the Severn.

Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory

114 Bewick's Swans at dawn (only the single roosted on Tack Piece), two Whooper Swans but left to feed in the fields early, the Lesser White-fronted Goose flew low over towards car park/South Lake early morning.

Tack Piece

Little Stint, Little Egret, 21 Curlew, 13 Ruff, 14+ Redshank, 2413 Golden Plover, 1178 Lapwing, 400+ Dunlin. Estuary Tower- Bittern and Marsh Harrier in flight over the Northern end of the reserve. Cattle Egret roosting in willows in the Long Ground Pool, Grey Plover among the plover horde and 1000+ Wigeon.

Top New Piece

Fifteen Shelduck, 134 Black-tailed Godwit, 400 Wigeon, 300 Teal, 180 Lapwing, 120 Dunlin, 25 Pintail, drake pochard, 5 Tufted Duck, Water Rail and singing Reed Bunting, pair of Treecreeper near the South Finger gate/Spinney Wood.

Entrance Road fields

Two Whooper Swans viewable through the gateways from the entrance road fields looking N towards the black barn.

South Lake

Pair of Goldeneye,14 Avocets, 400 Lapwing, 30 Pochard, GC Grebe, 14 Cormorants, flocks of Shoveler and Teal and Herring, Common and Black-headed Gulls.
*Part of the hide closed off for maintenance repair work*


Roaming party of Siskins.

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