New bus service launching this summer, with access to WWT Slimbridge. Find out more.

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Lapwing numbers building


Pintail 27, Lapwing 23, Teal 109, Redshank 1

Martin Smith

Crane 2, Snipe 1, Water Rail 1, No sing of Jack Snipe yet

Holden Tower

Peregrine 2, Buzzard 1

South Lake

Black Tailed Godwit 21, Redshank 9 Ruff 1, Grey Heron 1, Lapwing 80, Snipe 2, Teal 367, Shoveler 58, Tufted Duck 206, Pochard 18, Greylag 45, Great black-backed gull 1, Cormorant 9, Cetti's Warbler 1, Crane 2

Zeiss Hide

Redshank 18, Ruff 10, Golden Plover 102, Lapwing 834, Dunlin 221, Cetti's Warbler 1

Tack Piece

Teal 1000, Wigeon 63, Pintail 1

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