Late Spring passage and the Black-winged Stilt continues
Another pulse of late Spring migrants have been noted over the bank holiday weekend
Bank Holiday Monday update
Four Greenshank have been on the reserve over the last couple of days, they are feeding on the shallow floods of the Top and Bottom New Piece, a lingering Common Sandpiper continues to feed on the South Lake wader scrape and the Severn Estuary has seen a run of Arctic bound waders. Peaks counts of up to 204 Ringed Plover (today), 43 Sanderling (28th), 15 Dunlin (28th), two non-breeding plumage Grey Plover yesterday with a breeding plumage bird today, single Turnstone (today), the three smaller waders have been noted daily from 27th. A Yellow Wagtail and at least six Swallow flew through NE yesterday, these birds appeared to be migrating rather than making local feeding circuits, they didn't stop. Red Kites have also passed through the site over the last couple of days with one N over Tack Piece at 1255pm and one over South Lake NE at 1415pm.
Highlights from around the hides include the following.
South Lake
The male Black-winged Stilt was still present but did visit the Rushy mid-morning, Fifty plus adult Avocets have at least 27 mobile chicks with them, another nest has new hatchlings and two nests are yet to hatch. A drake Pochard was the only unusual duck among the Mallards and Tufted Ducks. The Crane family have been feeding in the duck marsh, best views from Hogarth Hide and both pairs of Oystercatcher at least two young each. Little and Great Crested Grebes are on the deep lake as well as the Black-headed Gull colony.
Top New Piece
Two Lapwing, 10 Avocet, 40 Shelduck, a pair of territorial Common Tern, eight drake and one duck Shoveler, a Roe Deer Doe and fawn were from Van De Bovenkamp Hide in the tall grass on the south side of the field (just the other side of the fleet).
Bottom New Piece
Redshank pairs shouting from posts and the pair of Cranes with two chicks roaming the hay field.
Tack Piece
A Cattle Egret visited the cattle herd but flew off North, 19 Avocet and a Lapwing were on the scrape with Shelduck, Barnacle and Greylag Geese on the field.
Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory
Two drake Garganey following and displaying to the female of a pair Teal, another pair of Teal were present, 68 Avocet, a pair Oystercatcher are nesting near to the Peng Obs.
Kingfisher Hide
The Kingfishers have been active about the nest holes, two male Yellow Wagtail still singing from posts (yesterday) on far side of the Four Score ground.
At least 22 Swift were feeding over the reserve with three Sand Martin. House Martins are constructing mud cup nests on the buildings and a few pairs of Swallows are nesting about the site.