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Late winter sunshine

A cold night led to much ice on the shallower ponds however it thawed rapidly, after yesterday mornings covering of snow it really highlighted that winter isn't yet quite done.

Highlights today included the following.

Top New Piece from Zeiss Hide

Fifty Avocet, 160 Black-tailed Godwit, 140 Dunlin, 2 Oystercatcher, 90 Wigeon, 120 Teal.

South Lake- *Discovery hide is still closed for repairs* but Hogarth Hide is open

The wader scrape largely frozen but the Teal/Shoveler flock found some ice free water on the duck marsh. Pair of Goldeneye on the deep lake. Common Chiffchaff in the ditch side ivy/ash trees.

South Finger

The Siberian Chiffchaff calling and showing in the plum blossom shelter belt beyond the reedbed this morning.

Bottom New Piece from Kingfisher Hide

Three Golden Plover, 40 Dunlin, 23 Lapwing, 2 Little Grebe on the channel.

Estuary Tower

Common Chiffchaff in the bushes below, 55 Skylark and 30 Meadow Pipit on the Dumbles, probably displaced by snow yesterday and the ice this morning, Egyptian and Pink-footed goose among the Canada/Greylag flock.

Tack Piece

235 Russian White-fronted Geese with the attendant Barnacle Goose and 200 Curlew. 2 Little Egret, Spotted Redshank early morning, 17 Redshank and 6 Ruff on the frozen flood, scrape was clear and holding the Wigeon flock with other ducks joining them.

Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory

Two Whooper Swan and four Bewick's Swans early morning, another 50 on the Tack Piece but began arriving on the Rushy through the morning. Peregrine resting on Sloane Tower early morning and afternoon with another flying past. Spotted Redshank on the lower pond.


The Siskin flock feeding in the Alder trees this afternoon.

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