Latest sightings - spotted crake
The South Lake
SPOTTED CRAKE 1 1st winter showed several time this am feeding at the back of the scrape.
LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER 1 Adult in winter plumage
Black-tailed Godwit 230
Redshank 75
Lapwing 110
Shoveler 78
Teal 40
The Tack Piece
Wood Sandpiper 1
The Zeiss Hide
Whimbrel 5 Juveniles
Ruff 5
Lapwing 85
Black-tailed Godwit 40
The Rushy
Green Sandpiper 2
The Knott Pool
Chiffchaff 8
Blackcap 20
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Reed Warbler 5