Please note, on 15th January our Living Wetland Theatre bird demonstration is planned to take place at a different time of 2.30pm.

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Life and death on the duck marsh

One of our regular visitors took an amazing series of photographs from the Hogarth Hide

One of our regular visitors took an amazing series of photographs of a Sparrowhawk predating a Snipe in front of the Hogarth Hide.

The photographs taken by Malcolm Black can be seen here on Twitter.

South Lake
The two juvenile Spotted Redshank returned to the wader scrape this afternoon - at least one has been out on the river most of the week. Counts here this morning included five Redshank, 11 Ruff, 205 Lapwing, 87 Black-tailed Godwit, two Avocet, a Snipe and a Green Sandpiper, 18 Shoveler and two drake Pochard.

Zeiss Hide
The Great White Egret was on the Top New Piece this afternoon having been earlier seen in the Decoy. This morning a Garganey was amongst the Teal flock, which itself numbered 639 birds. A male Goshawk flushed through today.

Estuary Tower
All 15 Common Crane were on the Dumbles this morning, remaining here for most of the day.

Summer Walkay / Middle Point
Two Little Egret were along the paleochannel in the Goose House field. Out on the river there was a strong passage of House Martin again today with several hundred moving south along estuary along with a few Swallows. At low tide counts included seven Grey Plover on estuary to the north, with atleast 79 Curlew, 139 Shelduck, 145 Wigeon, four Pintail, three Golden Plover and 120+ Dunlin. At least three Stonechat and a Wheatear were on the fence cross fence at Middle Point.

Decoy Hide
A Great White Egret dropped in here this morning but couldn't be seen from the hide. On the pond were six Tufted Duck and two Little Grebe.

Rushy Hide
Over 300 Teal were on the lower pond with other counts including five Gadwall and 40 Greylag Geese. A Cetti’s Warbler was heard.

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