Lift off!

Our Crane chick on the South Lake became a fledged juvenile today, taking its first flight with parents out of the area

Our Crane chick on the South Lake became a fledged juvenile today, taking its first flight with parents out of the area.

The newly flying juvenile is the second to fledge from the reserve this year. In all six pairs were present, five pairs nested and hatched at least eight chicks, and two pairs have now fledged a youngster each.

Kingfisher Hide
The male and female Kingfisher were showing well again this morning at the nest bank, with recent activity suggesting they're getting ready for their third brood of the season. At least one juvenile from the second brood is also still hanging around the area.

South Lake
The wader scrape held 15 Redshank, an Avocet, six male Ruff, five Green Sandpiper, two Oystercatcher, 134 Lapwing and 342 Black-tailed Godwit this morning. Also of note were 25 Shoveler (including a full-grown brood of four), six Pochard (including two females), an adult Little Grebe and 24 Tufted Duck (including two broods of ducklings from the Hogarth Hide). Later in the morning two adult Mediterranean Gulls were seen.

Zeiss Hide
Three Garganey were on the Top New Piece this morning, two amongst the Gadwall creche which contains at least 30 juveniles, and a third bird out with a few Teal on the main water area. Also noted were a Great Egret, a Little Egret, two Grey Heron, 87 Teal and three Shoveler.

Rushy Hide
A single Spotted Redshank was noted this morning with nine Redshank, eight Black-tailed Godwit, a Green Sandpiper, 13 Lapwing and two male Ruff. Later in the day four Spotted Redshank were noted.

Robbie Garnett Hide
Five Garganey were on the Tack Piece this morning, appearing to be two adults and three juveniles, with a few Teal. Five Green Sandpiper were also present.

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