Lingering Little Gull

The second-calendar year Little Gull is still with us today, with the bird flitting around the Rushy this morning

The second-calendar year Little Gull is still with us today, with the bird flitting around the Rushy this morning. The Spotted Redshank is also still here, feeding on the Tack Piece.

The photo above was shared with us on Twitter by Paul Masters a few days ago. See the tweet here.

Zeiss Hide
A small flock of 32 Black-tailed Godwit were on the Top New Piece this morning, along with 19 Shoveler, three Little Egret, four Redshank, 21 Shelduck and 28 Avocet A passge flock of 35 Swallow and a single House Martin flew thru, and one of our Crane pair were on the nest whilst the off-duty bird was on the seawall.

A Cuckoo was reported over the South Finger Reedbed, along the path as you head from the Zeiss Hide to the Kingfisher Hide. A second male was heard singing to the north of the reserve earlier today.

Robbie Garnett Hide
The Spotted Redshank was on the right hand side of the Tack Piece this morning. On the water were a drake Pintail, 14 Avocet, 24 Shelduck, three Gadwall, a pair of Shoveler whilst a solitary Barnacle Goose was on the grass.

Rushy Hide
The immature Little Gull was on the lower pond this morning along with 17 Avocet. Other birds in the area included a Little Ringed Plover on the nest in the protective cage, a Crane also on their nest, along with eight Gadwall, nine Tufted Duck, a singing Sedge Warbler, and a single House Martin overhead.

South Lake
A pair of Great Crested Grebe were at their nest on the back of the deep lake this morning. The wader scrape held 50 Avocet, 40 Black-tailed Godwit, ten Shelduck and a pair of Little Ringed Plover were seen. The Black-headed Gull colony is doing well and very vocal with birds nest building and incubating.

Estuary Tower
A pair of Cranes (Monty & Evie) were stood behind the scrape, whilst on the scrape were 24 Avocet and a pair of Oystercatcher. A pair of Peregrine were on the Lower Dumbles with a pair of Oystercatcher and 22 Shelduck. A Wheatear was on the Middle Point cross fence.

A Wood Sandpiper was reported to have dropped in on the pool at 9:40am for a minute, before continuing north. Visible migration counts included 138 Swallow, 38 House Martin and eight Sand Martin.

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