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Little-ringed Plovers

A couple of mobile Little-ringed Plover were on the scrapes today

A few more Spring migrants arrived today, a singing male Blackcap was belting out a full song from the scrub and willows near the Sanderson bridge/Discovery Hide. Plenty of Chiffchaffs are singing around the site. Four Sand martins stopped to feed over South Lake for a time this morning with a single bird with a Swallow later. Little-ringed Plovers were on South Lake and the Rushy at the same time late morning early afternoon with one, perhaps the Rushy bird flying over Estuary Tower to the estuary/saltmarsh early afternoon.

At least seven Mediterranean Gulls continued to show on site today, at least four adults, a second calendar year and two third calendar year birds ranging between the Dumbles/Top New Piece and South Lake.

Other highlights today includes the following.

Estuary Tower

12 Ringed Plover, 22 Dunlin and 8 Golden Plover over high tide earlier, 34 Avocet on the scrape, the Dumbles is very busy with 370 Wigeon, 140 Teal, 12 Pintail, 30 Curlew, 9 Redshank+ Mallards and Shelducks, two Avocet on far saltpan.

Top New Piece

The Spoonbill reappeared this afternoon, also seen in the Bottom New Piece. Varying numbers but a count of 39 Avocet and 40 Wigeon made this morning.

Discovery Hide

Four Sand Martin feeding, adult, 2cy and 3cy Mediterranean Gulls with Black-headed Gull flock, 623 Black-tailed Godwit, 36 Shoveler and 33 Avocet.

Rushy Hide

Five (2 female) Pochard, 7 Pintail, pair Oystercatcher and 9 Avocet. Tack Piece- 5 Pintail, 6 Avocet, 198 Wigeon.

Long Ground Pool

A pair of Pochard.

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