Look out for Cattle Egrets

Up to seven Cattle Egret have been around the reserve this week

Up to seven Cattle Egret have been around the reserve this week, turning up nearly everywhere so be sure to be on the lookout from any of th hides!

South Lake
A single Cattle Egret was perched on the rails in the deep lake this morning, later joined by the other six birds. Also on the deep lake were 51 Tufted Duck, a drake Pochard and 12 Cormorant. A Bar-headed Goose was with the Greylag flock, and 94 Dunlin were on the wader scrape with 139 Black-tailed Godwit, 174 Teal and 116 Shoveler. A Kestrel flew over carrying a worm.

Zeiss Hide
Two Marsh Harrier were drifting around the Top and Bottom New Pieces this morning. The flock of 29 White-fronted Goose dropped in to the Top New Piece briefly before flying south past the Kingfisher Hide to find feeding for the day. Duck on the Top New Piece included 227 Wigeon, ten Shoveler, 282 Teal, and two Raven were also noted.

Kingfisher Hide
Several hundred Lapwing were in the Bottom New Piece with at least 12 Ruff.

Rushy Hide
Our first two Bewick's Swan were present again this morning along with 98 Shelduck, 41 Pintail, 31 Pochard plus the Tufted Duck and Mallard. Also noted were two very vocal Green Sandpiper.

Robbie Garnett Hide
Three Spotted Redshank and 17 Redshank were again roosting on the island. Duck on the Tack Piece included 192 Wigeon, 671 Teal and 18 Shoveler. Eight Snipe were also noted.

Estuary Tower
A Merlin flew through low over the Dumbles this morning, also noted were a Peregrine on the Dumbles, and the two Marsh Harrier down towards the Zeiss Hide. The high tide roost included at least 74 Curlew and 33 Great Black-backed Gull plus the flock of Shelduck and a single Cormorant. A flock 211 Barnacle Geese, including many colour-ringed birds, were also noted.

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