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Look out for Curlew

The Tack Piece is looking very very wet at present with a large portion of the field underwater from the recent rains.

The Tack Piece is looking very very wet at present with a large portion of the field underwater from the recent rains. Amongst the thousands of birds present are a flock of Curlew including up to four head-started birds that were raised here at Slimbridge before being released into the Severn Vale.

South Lake
The female Goldeneye was on the deep lake this morning along with a pair of displaying Great Crested Grebe. The Hogarth Hide is currently providing excellent views of the birds on the wader scrape including 300+ Black-tailed Godwit, 16 Ruff, 44 Shoveler, 4 Wigeon, a pair of Oystercatcher, 22 Avocet and several Teal and Gadwall.

Zeiss Hide
Just 578 Teal, 190 Wigeon and a few Lapwing of note on a relatively quiet Top New Piece.

Estuary Tower
The flock of 107 White-fronted Geese were on the river this morning. Closer to the hide were 76 Wigeon on the Dumbles scrape with single head-started Curlew (bird 40) feeding well on the seawall.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A total of 107 Curlew were on the Tack Piece (inc 3 head-started birds 29, 63 and 25) along with 53 Redshank, 13 Ruff, 234 Barnacle Geese, a pair of Oystercatcher, several hundred Wigeon, Lapwing and Golden Plover. A male Sparrowhawk was flushed through Martin Smith Hide.

Rushy Hide
Just our single remaining Bewick's Swan, Navalny, was present this morning, along with 87 Pintail and 120 Pochard.

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