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Look out for juveniles

It's that time of the year when juvenile birds are appearing across the reserve and estuary

It's time of the year when juvenile birds are appearing across the reserve and estuary. Most notable are the Black-tailed Godwit juveniles are freshly arrived from Iceland.

Rushy Hide
The ponds were again busy this morning with two juvenile Garganey, 243 Black-tailed Godwit (including 14 juveniles), all four Spotted Redshank, 14 adult Ruff, four Redshank and a Green Sandpiper. The juvenile Wood Sandpiper then dropped in late morning.

South Lake
Another 16 Black-tailed Godwit were on the wader scrape this morning, including one juvenile. Also of note were seven Redshank, 20 Lapwing and 381 Greylag Geese! Over the bank from the Hogarth Hide were eight Green Sandpiper, two juvenile Ruff, another Redshank, and another three Black-tailed Godwit.

Zeiss Hide
Eight Ruff were in a feeding flock on the Top New Piece, including five juveniles. A pair of Little Grebe were around the reedbed island with their two juveniles, who spent much of the time catching fish and then chasing each other to try and steal food from the other. A Great Egret dropped in to join two Grey Heron and a Little Egret. A Water Rail was calling from the reedbed.

Middle Point
The four Spoonbill were seen again this morning.

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