March 2022 WeBS count
WeBS Count
14 Cormorant, 9 Little Egret, 4 Great Egret, 6 Cattle Egret, 3 Grey Heron, 1 Bittern (hunting voles along a hedge but not viewable from any hides), 11 Cranes, 125 Mute Swans, 2 Pink-footed Geese (Dumbles), 207 Russian and 2 Greenland White-fronted Geese (Dumbles), 186 Greylag, 116 Canada Geese, drake Mandarin, 347 Shelduck, 268 Wigeon, 40 Gadwall, 167 Teal, 295 Mallard, 1 Pintail, 107 Shoveler, 6 Pochard (3 males/3 females), 3 Snow Geese (Tack Piece), female Goosander (with Wigeon on the Severn), 1 Glossy Ibis, Ross's Goose, 148 Tufted Duck, 3 Goldeneye (1 male) on South Lake, 5 Water Rail, 59 Moorhen, 83 Coot, 127 Avocet (100 on South Lake, 3 on TNP, 2 Dumbles, 19 Rushy and 3 on the Severn mudflats), 22 Oystercatcher (11 pairs),36 Lapwing, 3 Little-ringed Plover, 222 Curlew, 32 Black-tailed Godwit, 17 Dunlin, 2 Little Stint, 8 Redshank, 1 Snipe, 3 Kingfisher, 9 Little Grebe, 1 GC Grebe, 194 Black-headed Gull, 8 LBB Gull, 6 GBB Gull, 8 Herring Gull, 31 Common Gull.
Count was made between 07:30 and midday.
No Siskins or Lesser Redpolls could be found with the Goldfinches on the rounds, it was noticeable that we had seen further departures of wintering birds including Golden Plover. We should see waves of this species dropping in on passage.
Spring passage
Six Brambling flew NE over the Estuary tower soon followed by 4 Linnets, a Wheatear was on the Dumbles driftwood. Perhaps 15 singing Chicchaff noted about the site with two Little-ringed Plovers past the Estuary Tower towards the Top New piece and one on the South Lake early morning, these may be territorial birds back to breed.