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Mediterranean Gulls and a Red Knot

The summer Mediterranean Gull infux is underway

At least three Mediterranean Gulls were roosting on the North causeway of the South Lake over the tidal period this morning, one adult in breeding plumage has been about for well over a week but a scruffier adult bird and a third calendar year was also present among the roosting Black-headed Gulls. It won't be long before the first juvenile is noted on site, such a beautiful bird when newly fledged.

Some extra waders arrived today, a faded but smart Red Knot with Black-tailed Godwits on the Rushy/South Lake and unusually a Sanderling on the Tack Piece scrape, two more more on the Severn.

Other sightings included the following

Top New Piece/Zeiss Hide

Two Oystercatcher, adult Little-ringed Plover, two Black-tailed Godwit and four Green Sandpiper on the flood. 30+ Sand Martin feeding over.

Rushy Hide

Black-winged Stilt, male Ruff and three Spotted Redshank with the 20+ Redshank, Red Knot still here + colour ringed Black-tailed Godwit (yellow over dark green L, light green over Yellow darvic H).

South Lake

Three Dunlin, 5 Green Sandpiper, Avocet, 185 Black-tailed Godwit, 76 Lapwing, 4 Ruff, Great Crested and Little Grebes, flocks of Coot, 15+ Shoveler, Tufted Duck and 40+ Gadwall + 4 Pochard.

Tack Piece

At least four Green and a Common Sandpiper, four Little-ringed Plover (two adults and two juveniles) along the scrape edge, water levels up everywhere on site after the rain.

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