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Merlin is almost reliable

The wintering female Merlin was again about the Bottom New Piece, the Van de Bovenkamp Hide is probably best to search for it.

Lots of frozen water but most had melted by late morning.

Top/Bottom New Piece

A new Barn Owl box has been put up just south of the Kingfisher Hide, the work in this area should conclude today. Last night a Barn Owl roosted in the Kingfisher Hide. Two Marsh Harrier were interacting and hunting at midday, both went directly over the hide. A Great White Egret was also seen.

The Dumbles

Three Snow Geese and the Ross's Goose with Canada and Barnacle Geese. Two Peregrines noted and 231 Pintail on the Severn over high tide.

Tack Piece

Two Little Stint feeding on the ice, 550 Dunlin, 700 Golden Plover, 1200+ Lapwing, 99 Curlew, 20 Redshank, 19 Ruff, c400 Wigeon + Bewick's Swans.

South Lake

Deep lake largely clear of ice and the wader scrape thawed, 800 Lapwing early morning.

Glossy Ibis

Seen in the entrance road fields early morning, please park in the car parks, don't block the road and view with care.

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