Merlin on the Dumbles again
Estuary Tower
The wintering Merlin was out on the Middle Point fence this morning with an immature Peregrine on fenceposts along the foreshore, Buzzard and Sparrowhawk in the Tack Piece and Marsh Harrier viewable on posts in the Bottom New Piece. A pair of Cranes (Oakie and Sherbert) were feeding on the Dumbles, they are becoming territorial and have been visiting the Bottom and Top New Piece fields.
The Russian White-fronted Geese were scattered with a flock on the estuary and two in Bottom New Piece early morning, all of these birds joined the rest in the Ox Piece, at least 107 were viewable, the Pink-footed Geese were in the the next field (Stall House Ground).
Tack Piece
660 Wigeon, 40 Redshank, 20 Ruff including the Norwegain leg flag bird, 54 Shoveler, 45 Curlew, flocks of Lapwing, Teal and Starling.
Willow Hide
Water Rail.
South Lake
The Cattle Egret was roosting in the Duck Marsh, closest views from Hogarth Hide. 300+ Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Oystercatcher and 4 Avocet on the scrape but the godwits coming and going. 68 Shoveler and 70 Teal on the scrape. 15 male and 5 female Pochard were with the Tufted Ducks on deep lake.
Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece
No sign of the Green-winged Teal this morning but many of the the Teal were hidden in the rushes, it wasn't reported yesterday. 370 Wigeon and 90 Lapwing on the scrape.