Merlin on the lookout

The reserve typically hosts at least one wintering Merlin, a few sightings of males were made earlier in the autumn but recent encounters suggest that a female has settled to winter


The reserve typically hosts at least one wintering Merlin, a few sightings of males were made earlier in the autumn but recent encounters suggest that a female has settled to winter, perhaps the same bird as seen in previous winters. Many sightings are along the Tack Piece/Dumbles seawall or Top New Piece/Dumbles seawall hedgerow. Middle Point is also a great place to look but these dashing falcons can show up on any fenceline, log or tree. This morning a female was scanning for possible prey from the Tack Piece hedge, Top New Piece hedge and also from the seawall at the N end of the reserve shwoing how mobile this species is when hunting.

Other sightings include

South Lake

The Bittern has once again showed along the East shore of the deep section of lake as viewed from Discovery Hide. It can and does go missing for periods as it clambers among the willow and emergent vegetation. Dare we say it but this bird seems to have settled into a routine for now, it's been seen almost daily for over a week.

On the deep lake the Tufted Ducks and Pochard have enjoyed a couple of days of calm conditions. The wader scrape has a party of six Avocet with small numbers of Dunlin resting and feeding on the islands, Lapwing come and go through the day. Teal and Shoveler present in varying numbers.

Two Cattle Egret were on the causeway late morning yesterday.

Top New Piece

37 Snipe on the mud 'slubbings' just to the South of the Zeiss Hide, a few hundred Wigeon are grazing between the hides, 180+ Teal with 45 Black-tailed Godwit on the flood.

Bottom New Piece

16 Russian White-fronted Geese headed here today, at least 70 were seen yesterday, 20 Ruff fed among the Golden Plover/Dunlin/Lapwing flock, early morning a hunting female Peregrine was making close rapid passes along the cleared out channel.

Tack Piece

Golden Plover number fluctuate in response to raptor attention but 2000+ birds have been gathering together with the Lapwing flocks, lots of low passes over the hides, exciting stuff in calm weather as you hear the sound of air over and under wings. A Little Stint fed in the newly forming puddle in the middle of the field with a few Black-tailed Godwit joining the masses as it get wetter. Teal and Wigeon continue to rest and feed along the scrape edge and Snipe have been out in force, at least 36 today but closer to fifty lined up along the grassy edge yesterday. Two Spotted Redshank visit daily with 11 Redshank noted today. At least 15 Russian White-fronted Geese were grazing among the Canada/Greylag Goose flock.

Willow Hide

Two Water Rails feeding under the feeders.

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