Midsummer migrating waders, onward journeys, returning or given up?
Coming or going?
We've reached the point in summer where northbound migrants have bred or failed and are beginning to return or may still push on, some may well give up and summer on the Severn. Our on the estuary a party of four Sanderling, single Dunlin, 12 Ringed Plover and a first summer Turnstone all fit the 'are the pushing on or staying here now' catergory, other species like the singles of Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank and Greenshank this last couple of days may be down to the breeding season ending for 2023 for them.
Sightings today included the following
Middle Point
The singing and displaying male White-spotted Bluethroat continues and a reeling Grasshopper Warbler briefly.
Top New Piece
At least 30 Redshank, summer plumage Spotted Redshank, a Greenshank, an eclipse drake Garganey and male Cuckoo still calling as well as 12 Avocet.
Over high tide included c45 Curlew, c35 Avocet, 25 Great Black-backed Gull and Great Egret.
South Lake
The male Black-winged Stilt was still on the scrape.
At least 101 Black tailed Godwit, 70 Avocet (many of them fledged young), a pair of Little-ringed Plover with one bird incubating and another pair. 4 drake Pochard on the deep water lake and 9 Green Sandpipers on the Duck Marsh along with the Crane family.