Mobile Glossy Ibis
Our first Glossy Ibis of the year just wouldn't stay still for long
Glossy Ibis
Initially seen flying in from the North of the reserve from Saul Warth, it continued Southwards before dropping into the ditches north of the Visitor Centre. A couple of brief flight views followed where it returned to the North but it kept moving to different spots until it was lost from view, back at the centre it was a relief to see it arrive on the Rushy where it stayed to preen for a period of time allowing many people to catch up with it, as is typical with this species it departed, to the NE this time.
Rushy birding
The Rushy is a hive of activity with the Little-ringed Plovers continuing to nest scrape, the Oystercatcher pair defending their nest and a gathering of 34 Avocet, perhaps they wanted to see the new arrivals, we have our forst two chicks of the year with at least eight nests now occupied. The lower pond also held five Black-tailed Godwit and a brief drake Garganey this morning. The top pond had a drake Teal, two female Wigeon accompanied by the Chiloe Wigeon hybrid drake and a few Gadwall as well as the usual flocks of Shelduck, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Greylag and of course Coot and Moorhen. We also have a brood of Mute Swan.
Tack Piece
At times 40 Swift fed, mated, paired and screamed over here today, we had over 130 on the reserve today. The Garganey visited breifly otherwise it was a little quiet, a single Yellow Wagtail flew over the cattle and small numbers of Avocet, Shelduck and Mute Swan were on the scrape. The Ross's Goose reappeared with seven Barnacle Geese.
Estuary Tower
An unusual record of a Grey Wagtail over West this morning, otherwise sightings were mainly of 25 Avocet, 14+ Lapwing and the Greylag and Canada Geese.
Pill Box Pool
Lots of Reed Warbler activity plus a brood of six Mute Swan.
South Lake
Reopening on 17 May- look out for the nesting pair of Cranes (Ruby and an unringed male), 24 Avocet nests, pair of nesting Little-ringed Plover as well as the busy Black-headed Gull colony. Other birds that have been regular here included Mediterannean Gull, at least three second calendar year birds present today but we have seen up to five this week. A second calendar year Little Gull was also seen today and breeding plumage Cattle Egret. The Great Crested and Little Grebes are due to hatch young any day. Also of note a male and female Teal plus a few Gadwall and Tufted Duck. Keep an eye out for the drake Greater Scaup that has appeared here from time to time, it spends much of its time on the canal.
Top New Piece
A party of eight Dunlin fed on one of the islands, this included an arctica race bird. At least two Lapwing, 23 Avocet, pair of Redshank, 26 Shelduck, Little Grebe, Little Egret, female Teal, four male Shoveler, Grey Heron and Sedge and Reed Warblers were seen from the viewing screens today.
Middle Point
Reeds and grassland- the Grasshopper Warbler sang for much of the day with Sedge and Reed Warbler for company.
Goose House Ground paleo channel- the Garganey disappeared into the vegetation with Teal, Gadwall and 2 Little Egret also present.
The Dumbles- three Whimbrel and five Curlew feeding in the salt pasture.
Estuary mud- two breeding plumage Little Stints, 44 Ringed Plover and 55 Dunlin just off the point at low tide, one Curlew flew NE with 60+ Shelduck on view.