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Monday and Tuesday sightings

Roadworks update- We have just been informed by Highways that they are running late on resurfacing in Phase 1 of the works due to weather conditions last week. However access to the Centre will still be possible all day on Wednesday. Access will only be via Moorend Lane and Lightenbrook lane. The latter will have manually operated entry and exit so there could be some delays in getting in and out. We expect the phase 2 one-way procedures to operate as planned from Thursday as the works move into the village.

The winter visitors continue to arrive or pass through along with the last of the summer birds. We have experienced some visible migration (when not using nosiy machinery) and have continued with Rushy and Estuary Tower related work , We expect to be in the Rushy/Martin Smith Hide area to Thursday at least so there may be some localized disturbance or perhaps none at all.

Numbers of Redwing and Fieldfare have been passing over in the last couple of days with flocks of Starlings, Chaffinch, Skylark, Meadow Pipit and a few Siskin and Redpoll too. New arrivals or notable birds have included a Black Tern species feeding over the estuary on Monday's low tide, it gradually worked it's way down to Tite's Point where it was lost to view. Some notes were made as it was appeared dusky on the underwing.

Other new arrivals included an adult Pink-footed Goose with the Canada and Barnacle Goose flock late afternoon on Monday, no sign of it or the Greenland White-fronted Goose today but the Greylag flock is ranging about the fields. The Barnacle x Greylag, Snow x Bar-headed, (abberant, white headed) Canada and a Bar-headed Goose have all been seen over the last two days.

A Cattle Egret was seen on the South Lake at 5pm, preening on the Cormorant rail.

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The flood has been pulling in Lapwing and Golden Plover flocks, 350 of the latter today. At least 14 Dunlin and 15 Redshank were also present with the 600+ Teal flock, a well marked and late Garganey was seen yesterday.

South Lake

The Knot flock continues to roost here with 41 yesterday, 581 Black-tailed Godwit were also roosting on the wader scrape with 17+ Ruff, a first winter Spotted Redshank and small numbers of Redshank. The Pochard x Ferruginous Duck has returned and was with the 20 Pochard and 60 Tufted Duck. 129 Shoveler were counted yesterday with 340 Teal also favouring the lake.

Middle Point

The seawall Severn viewing area is the best place to look for the geese but a Short-eared Owl was also on he Middle point area today. A pair of Stoenchat were also seen as well as Peregrine, 122 Shelduck, 40 Curlew and 400 Wigeon. Goldcrests are still ranging along the hedge.

Duck Decoy

Chiffchaff seen today.

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