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Monday WeBS Count results and latest sightings to 20th January

Wetland Bird Survey Count on Monday.

WeBS Count numbers for 17 January 2021

11 Cormorant (roosting on the usual rails and posts, many more more bird move up and down the estuary from roost sites).
10 Little Egret (roosted at South Lake, headed inland and to our ditches for the day).
2 Great Egret (two roosted, at least one feeding in our ditches/paleo channels)
9 Cattle Egret (nine roosted at South Lake, al headed inland over the canal at dawn).
5 Grey Heron.
7 Crane.
179 Mute Swan.
78 Bewick's Swan.
1 Pink-footed Goose (with the White-fronted Geese).
160 Russian White-fronted Goose
Greenland White-fronted Goose (a single adult with the Russian White-fronted Geese).
329 Greylag.
351 Canada Goose.
1 Cackling Goose (with Canada Geese).
206 Barnacle Goose.
1 Dark-bellied Brent (with Canada Geese).
2 Bar-headed Geese.
1 Barnacle x Greylag.
1 Snow x Bar-headed Goose.
308 Shelduck.
1262 Wigeon (over 2700 last week, showing local movements?).
49 Gadwall.
662 Teal (much reduced in number since last week).
707 Mallard.
208 Pintail (less birds on the Severn compared to last week).
181 Shoveler.
157 Pochard.
Pochard x Ring-necked Duck female.
Pochard x Ferruginous Duck male.
413 Tufted Duck.
13 Water Rail.
133 Moorhen.
172 Coot.
2 Avocet (three by 20th).
2 Oystercatcher (back on territory).
1680 Golden Plover (leucistic bird on 17th).
2662 Lapwing (at least).
206 Curlew (344 counted on the Tack Piece on 20th with at least four head started birds seen).
234 Black-tailed Godwit
Knot (one on 20th).
21 Ruff (29 present on 20th).
737 Dunlin (likely to be more than this but very mobile on the count).
1 Little Stint.
31 Redshank (54 counted on Tack Piece on 20th).
Green Sandpiper (single in a ditch then flew over the canal on 17th)
23 Snipe (70+ seen last week).
3 Kingfisher.
2 Little Grebe.
1 Great Crested Grebe.

The gull roost has been impressive with 20,000+ gulls heading the sands to rest for the night. The high tide Great Black-backed Gull roost contained 17 birds with a juvenile Glaucous Gull seen on the breakwater over the tide.

Numerous Song Thrushes are singing + Wren, Greenfinch, Blackbird and drumming Great-spotted Woodpecker also vocal. A number of Cetti's Warbler are calling and a single Chiffchaff was seen on 19th. A party of 10-40 Siskin contine to be seen with a few Lesser Redpoll about as well. A count of 17 Skylark was on the Dumbles on 19th with two Raven noted.

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