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More green sandpipers

Estuary Tower
Great views but quiet on the bird front, the usual skylarks a few barnacle Geese on the edge of the estuary included the bar headed hybrid. Cuckoo calling to the south. A Little Ringed Plover close to the tower on the Tack Piece.

Tack Piece

A Little-ringed Plover, 4 Green Sandpiper, a juvenile Redshank and 2 aduits, Avocet 2, Little Egret 1 and Oystercatcher 3. Reed Warblers very active from Knott Hide and in front of Robbie Garnett Hide.

Kingfisher Hide

Kingfishers assumed to be incubating still but 2 apparently male birds seen around the pool this morning.

Zeiss Hide
Numbers included 17 Redshank, 27 Avocet, 36 Gadwall, 9 Shoveler, 32 Teal and a Black-tailed Godwit.

Hogarth Hide
The new Little-ringed Plover nest was still being incubated this morning on duck marsh.

South Lake
At least 66 adult Avocet and 26 chicks along with 72 Black-tailed Godwit. The two Oystercatcher chicks were very close to the Discovery Hide and a brood of 3 Shelduck. The Great Crested Grebe pair were on the deep lake with 2 chicks hidden on their back.

Decoy Hide
Little Grebe 1, Tufted Duck 7 plus a brood of 4 ducklings.

Rushy Hide
Two Green Sandpiper and 7 Black-tailed Godwit were on the lower pond A brood of 7 Shelduck family, 4 teal, 30 moulting Gadwall and 2 Tufted Duck.

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