More new life

If you've visited the reserve recently you can't fail to have noticed the new life appearing everywhere.

If you've visited the reserve recently you can't fail to have noticed the new life appearing everywhere. Today's addition were a brood of four tiny Redshank chicks on the Top New Piece, so small they must have hatched this morning!

South Lake
Four Oystercatchers (two pairs) were arguing on the wader scrape this morning. Also present were 23 adult Avocet with at least 18 chicks and juveniles around. Many may now be able to fly so will soon be moving around the reserve. Five Green Sandpiper were along the back shoreline, and also counted were 45 Black-tailed Godwit. The deep lake held a drake Teal, 78 Gadwall and two Little Grebe. The pair of Little Ringed Plover were still on the nest in the protective cage towards the Hogarth Hide.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A pair of Avocet with two fledged juveniles were on the Tack Piece with a pair of Little Ringed Plover, two Green Sandpiper, a pair of Cranes and a pair of Oystercatcher.

Rushy Hide
The Little Ringed Plover pair still have two chicks near the hide, and the second pair are still on the nest in their protective cage. Also noted were two Oystercatcher, a Redshank, three broods of Tufted Duck, 11 adult Avocet with six chicks, two Green Sandpiper, and an drake eclipse Mandarin.

Zeiss Hide
A Wood Sandpiper was on the Top New Piece this morning along with four Garganey, a Great Egret, four adult and two juvenile Little Ringed Plover, 15 Redshank plus the brood of four tiny new chicks, three broods of Gadwall, a brood of Tufted Duck, a drake Shoveler and single Black-tailed Godwit and 42 Teal.

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